"But I already have a financial advisor!"

  Jack Patterson The Certified Retirement Financial Planner

It's great that you realize the value of sound professional financial advice. But did you know that one of the biggest mistakes you can make with your financial future is to fail to choose the right advisor?

It's true - your choice of advisor today can have significant impact for the rest of your life. That's why we've put together this checklist to help you evaluate your choices:

Does Your Advisor Offer The Following Services?

⇒ Provides Comprehensive Financial Planning?
⇒ Is A Registered Investment Advisor?
⇒ Provides Tax Planning?
⇒ Is a Certified Financial Planner?  
⇒ Specializes in Retirement Distribution Planning?
⇒ Manages over $40 Million of Investments?
⇒ Is Independent of The Broker/Dealer?
⇒ Provides Continuing Education to other Professionals Regarding Retirement Planning Strategies?
⇒ Has Over 10 Years of Financial Experience?

Don’t Know

You should also consider:

» When was the last time you talked to your financial advisor?
» When was the last time you had a full check up?
» How often do you meet with your advisor?
» Are you happy with your current investments?
» What's the tax efficiency of this money?
» How do you feel about paying taxes? Are you angry, resigned or proud?
Do you feel like your tax liability is appropriate?

Why choose Jack?

With those things in mind, here's why you need to make Jack your financial advisor:

» Jack is really in this business because he wants to help people.

» Jack works for you and only you. He has a fee-based focused practice, not a commission-only driven practice; his number one product is his advice. He believes in teamwork, and he works to create strategies that minimize taxes while preserving your hard-earned wealth.

» Financial planning is a very complicated process. It's relatively easy to count your assets and liabilities, determine your net worth and set an investment policy. It's much more difficult to create balance among the competing priorities of a life. Jack is a man you can trust to understand and value your exact situation, and to help you achieve your unique goals.

» Jack can potentially show you financial mistakes you're making right now that you're not even aware of.

* Clients should periodically re-evaluate whether the use of an asset-based fee continues to be appropriate in servicing their needs. A list of additional considerations, as well as the fee schedule, is available in the firms Form ADV Part II as well as the client agreement.

Call or contact Jack Patterson, CFP today to see the difference for yourself.

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